Saturday, February 8, 2014

What would Carnaval de Quebec be without a visit from the wintery host Bonhomme?  Bonhomme stopped for a picture with kids from the exchange while they were on site at the Calgary Stampede breakfast.

Ms. Mellow and Ms. Jensen pose in front of the building that once housed the YMCA of Quebec City back in 1879.  Both of these ladies assured us that they were not members of this Y at that time!!

Riley, Riley, Riley went the cheers from the crowd as young Riley Johnson was the first person to ride the mechanical bull at the 2014 Carnival.  40 seconds later the bull had his way and proved once again that you can't take this bull by the horns!!!

Denver Terry was next up but followed in the footsteps of his fellow classmate and took a little roll on the green crash mat!

After 2 and a half days all is going good.  Tonight we will head out to the Carnival parade followed by tomorrows activities back at the Carnival with the Ice Canoe races.

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