Tuesday, April 29, 2014

After 11 hours of travel some tired QHS students rolled in to Barnwell at around 8:00 pm local time (10 pm Quebec time).  The road trip from Calgary was approximately 3hrs which was long enough to hear the question "when will be get there" about a 100 times.

Upon arrival at the school our bus was met by a crowd of Barnwell students with signs awaiting our arrival.  Unloading of the luggage to second place on the priority list right after the hugs and embraces as the QHS students and the Barnwell students picked up where they left of back in February.  The school was an active place as the Barnwell gym was being used by various community groups.  Mr Sweeney was making mental notes about the event and seemed to be interested in the ladies sitting around a loom making a quilt.
All in all it was a long day, but I am sure that with a good night sleep the QHS students will be ready to hit the ground running on Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Until we meet in Alberta.....Au revoir

They came into town with none of the stereotypes we were expecting.  No horses, not cowboy hats, no cowboy boots, no one was chewing tobacco..... and now they are gone.  What they left behind were teary-eyed girls and shattered stereotypes.  They also left behind five days of great memories shared with our students here at Quebec High School.  Memories that I am quite convinced with the help of social media will remain for many years to come.  (Carnival, Ice Castle, Parliament, Old Quebec, Stairs and more stairs, basketball games, Carnival Parade, Wendake First Nation Site, Mont Morency Waterfalls, Ice Canoe races, shopping where 400 years ago settlers once traded furs, stairs, scaling the side of the mountain, Inter-provincial Ninja, Cabane a sucre, stairs, Ice Hotel, did I mention stairs)

To all the Barnwell parents:  Thank you for allowing you sons and daughters the opportunity to come to our little part of Canada.  They were great ambassadors for your school, your town, and of course your family.  I have had some great comments from our host families and I hope that our children will take the lead from your kids when we visit you in Barnwell.  I would also like to thank all Barnwell parents for the support you have given your three chaperones.  I was blessed to be able to spend some time with each of them.  They spoke very highly of their community and I look forward to meeting many of your when I come in April.  I remember in the early stages of this potential exchange when Ms. Mellow wondered if we would accept doing an exchange with a rural town like Barnwell.  Coming from a town of 3000 myself I let her know that small towns usually have the biggest hearts!  Through speaking with your kids and teachers I think this is a true statement about Barnwell.
To the Barnwell students: my hope is that you will have some fond memories of the short time you spent in Quebec City.  (sorry about all the walking.....muscles heal....memories last!)  I also hope that you will take the time to think about all those that have made sacrifices so that this exchange could happen and that you thank and hug your parents for allowing to take part in this great opportunity.
To the Barnwell chaperones: what can I say you guys were great.  I can see why you have great kids.
Thank you for putting up with all my shenanigans.  What trust you must have had in me that you were willing to sit your behinds on a piece of rubber tubing and then following me down a snow mountain at 100 km/hr !  Thank you for making me laugh so that I would forget how tired I was.  How can I sum up our time together....Portofino, Paillard, Cafe St. Malo, Creperie Breton!  No matter how good the food may have been, it paled in comparison to the conversation around the table and the exchanging of stories.  It is good to be in the presence of people that enjoy working with kids.
Your only homework now is to make me look as good on a horse as the guy in the picture above!

We will see Y'all in Barnwell in April....until then au revoir!

Mr. Sweeney.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valcartier Tubing Park....hang on it's our last day!!!

These warriors of the exchange prepare a full assault on the hills of the Valcartier tubing park.  4 hours of tubing ended off this great week of activities our guests from Barnwell, Alberta.
The reason we don't do this at the start of the week is because they would want us to bring them there everyday!
Once Mr. Hoyt realized that Mr. Sweeney was not in the Tornado tube he realized he was in for a "rock 'n roll" ride down the hill with 7 screaming students from Barnwell.

Wendake Traditional Huron Village Tour

With our Wendake Guide, Wenna Wenna in full traditional garb the group from Barnwell and QHS were taken on a short tour of the Wendake Traditional Huron Site.

Our guide was surprised by the correct answers to some of her historical questions.  Well done Barnwell and QHS history teachers!

The tour ended with a lunch of Bison burger and homefries, cranberry tea, and pudding chomuer!

Seated in a traditional canoe allowed students to get a feel for this method of transportation once used by the Wendake people.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

With our Sherpa Guide, Mr. Hoyt leading the pack the gang from Barnwell and Quebec High stormed the Mont. Morency Waterfalls located just east of Quebec City.

These falls are one and a half times higher then Niagra Falls.  Behind the group is the "pain sucre" that is formed by all the frozen mist that comes off the rushing water.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

60 members of the YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada bundled up and headed out to the 2014 Quebec City winter Carnaval parade.
After an hour and a half of floats, marching bands, and stilt walking clowns the red nose, rosie-cheeked group gave a thumbs up to this awesome outing.

It didn't take long for our guest to figure out that the best way to keep warm is to squeeze tight for a photo!!

Quebec City Ice Hotel

The Ice Hotel located in Quebec City does not have elevators to get down from one level to another, but you can always take the ice slide.  Pictured to the left, QHS student Noah Sweeney shows Olympic form as he comes sliding down from the upper level.

For Facebook users you can see more photos from the Ice Hotel and the exchange on the Exchange Facebook page at

YMCA Exchange Facebook Page

Take a 4 inch by 4 inch by 4 inch block of ice, drill a hole in the top 3/4 of the way down, fill it with about 3 ounces of juice and sell it to two teachers from Barnwell for $4 each and you have a money making machine.   Somebody call 911 these girls just got robbed!
What would Carnaval de Quebec be without a visit from the wintery host Bonhomme?  Bonhomme stopped for a picture with kids from the exchange while they were on site at the Calgary Stampede breakfast.

Ms. Mellow and Ms. Jensen pose in front of the building that once housed the YMCA of Quebec City back in 1879.  Both of these ladies assured us that they were not members of this Y at that time!!

Riley, Riley, Riley went the cheers from the crowd as young Riley Johnson was the first person to ride the mechanical bull at the 2014 Carnival.  40 seconds later the bull had his way and proved once again that you can't take this bull by the horns!!!

Denver Terry was next up but followed in the footsteps of his fellow classmate and took a little roll on the green crash mat!

After 2 and a half days all is going good.  Tonight we will head out to the Carnival parade followed by tomorrows activities back at the Carnival with the Ice Canoe races.
Hey that look like....is it really...yeah it is Donald Brashear.  Barnwell students, Paige Leffingwell and Kitawna Sparks pose with ex-NHL hockey player Donald Brashear while watching the Quebec High School Blazers basketball team.
Mr. Brashear's son Jordon is a member of the Blazer boys team.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The principal guy, Mr. Hoyt and Ms. Mellow from Barnwell stop for the paparazzi on site at the Quebec City winter Carnival.
Human Foosball at -22 was a big hit on this day.

What better way to start a little historical stroll through the old city then to take a few moments for a pose in front of the National Assembly.
Was it just a coincidence that our folks from Alberta arrived in town at the same time as Calgary born Brian Harper?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Finally arrived at the Quebec airport after a short delay in Toronto.  Here are some smiling Barnwell students after a full day of travel.

"Someone show me a bed"!

"Two eyes, two ears, mouth, and hair...hey they look like Albertans"! 

"Let's get ready to rumble"!

"Smiling contest champions 2014"

Mr. Sweeney has just come to the realization that he will be in charge of 50 kids over the next 6 days as the students from Barnwell, Alberta arrive at the Quebec City Airport. 

He was last seen at the pharmacy getting extra strength tylenol to help him through the week!

(photo by: Ilona Szabo)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Quebec High School YMCA Exchange Blog Goes Online

Here you go folks.  This Blog will be used by the staff to post information about the upcoming YMCA exchange between the Barnwell School in Barnwell, Alberta and Quebec High School in Quebec City.
Exchange Shirts 2014

The Exchange begins on February 5th, when our guests from Barnwell arrive for a 6 day stay in Quebec City.  Each day we will paste information about what we did each day including some of the photos taken.  We will also post the schedule of events for the next day.

We look forward to hosting our guests from the West and especially during Quebec's famous Winter Carnival!  We hope friends and family back in Barnwell will follow the YMCA exchange while here in historic Quebec City.